Unitum Wiki

Is in contact with the psychic and / or spiritual sphere and feels appointed to inform others about his knowledge, maybe to warn them.


Physical Power 25% (II)
Psychic Power 50% (III)
Faith 55% (III)
Cogitation 65% (IV)
Dexterity 10% (I)
Perception 35% (II)
Aura 50% (III) 
Chance 50% (III)

Visual Overview

Classes & Destinies
Gainsayer Carpenter, Sportsman
Prophet Apocalypse Enunciator, Missionary
Seeker Paranormal Investigator, Alien Hunter
Pioneer Engineer, Post-Normal-Scientist
Conspirator Insider, Mogul
Saboteur Dark Net Operator, Next Gen Warrior
Influencer Psychic Warrior, Parapsychologist
Clairvoyant Medium, Telepath
Believer Exorcist, Cultist
Emissary Savior, Incarnation